Master's Degree Programme in Applied Computer and Information Technology
- ACIT4005: Technology and society: Critical perspectives in practice
- ACIT4030: Machine Learning for images and 3D data
- ACIT4045: Projects in Human Computer Interaction
- ACIT4055: Security politics, cyberwar, and ethics
- ACIT4080: Intelligent User Interfaces
- ACIT4200: Interdiciplinary innovation and complex problems
- ACIT4290: Practical cybersecurity
- ACIT4420: Problem-solving with scripting
- ACIT4510: Statistical Learning
- ACIT4610: Evolutionary artificial intelligence and robotics
- ACIT4620: Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications
- ACIT4630: Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- ACIT4710: Digital Signal and Image Processing
- ACIT4730: Special biomedical engineering subject
- ACIT4910: User Diversity and ICT Barriers
- ACIT4920: Universal Design of Interactive Systems
- ACIT4930: Interaction Styles and Technologies for Accessibility