Masteremner i helseledelse og helseøkonomi
- HADM4001: Metode og statistikk
- HADM4102: Ledelsespsykologi
- HADM4103: Ledelse i helsevesenet
- HADM4104: Organisering og endringsledelse
- HADM4202: Finansiering og organisering av helsetjenester
- HADM4203: Helseøkonomisk analyse
- HADM4204: Foretaksøkonomi i helsesektoren
- HADM4301: Helserett
- HADM4402: Kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet
- HECON4210: Demand for Health and Health Insurance
- HECON4220: Paying Providers of Health Care
- HECON4250: Cost and Efficiency Analyses of Health Care Providers
- HEVAL4200: Fundamentals of Economic Evaluation in Health Care
- HEVAL5120: Modeling in economic evaluation I
- HEVAL5130: Modeling in economic evaluation II
- HFIN4210: Finance and Investment
- HGOV4100: Fundamentals of Health Care Systems
- HMAN4100: Fundamentals of management
- HMAN4210: Leadership, Management and Organization Development
- HMAN5160: Integrated Care Models
- HMAN5180: Policy analysis and evaluation
- HMED4100: Fundamentals of medicine
- HMED4101: Kvalitet i helsetjenestene
- HMET4101: Fundamentals of statistics
- HMET4210: Research Design
- HMET4220: Applied Micro Econometrics
- HMET5120: Qualitative methods
- HMET5140: Non-Parametric Methods