Psykologiske masteremner
- PSY4020: Applied quantitative research methodology
- PSY4110: Applied Qualitative Methods
- PSY4112: Seksualitet og seksuell helse
- PSY4116: Sentrale temaer i anvendt helsepsykologi
- PSY4130: Promoting Change through Social Psychology
- PSY4140: Metoder i forebyggende arbeid
- PSY4205: Forebygging av psykiske vansker hos barn og unge
- PSY4301B: Judgment and Decision Making and Social Cognition
- PSY4303B: Vision and the Brain
- PSY4307: Fundamentals of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
- PSY4310: Research methods in cognitive neuroscience Part I
- PSY4312: Cognitive Control in Action
- PSY4313: Music Cognition
- PSY4314: Research communication in cognitive neuroscience
- PSY4318: Multidisciplinary Studies of Consciousness
- PSY4320: Research methods in cognitive neuroscience Part II
- PSY4405: Ledelse, team og kommunikasjon i organisasjoner
- PSY4420: Selection and development
- PSY4430: Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologisk prosjekt (AOP)
- PSY4502B: Fellesskap- og samfunnspsykologi
- PSY4505: Identitet, kultur og kritisk psykologi
- PSY4506: Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict A community based approach
- PSY4521: Project Development and Methodology
- PSYM4020: Applied quantitative research methodology
- PSYM4110: Applied Qualitative Methods
- PSYM4301B: Judgment and Decision Making and Social Cognition
- PSYM4506: Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict A community based approach